IEE 60 Archives - L'Institut d'études européennes

Category: IEE 60

Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "60 nuances de gris: l’art et la science d’in-betweenness" by Jing-syuan Wong

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, closes with an article by Jing-syuan Wong.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "EU’s Balancing Act: Geopolitics and Democracy in the Neighbourhood and Enlargement Policy" by Marta Matrakova

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Marta Matrakova.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "Global Europe Heal thyself, But Make Sure the Cure Isn’t Worse Than the Disease" by Frederik Ponjaert

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Frederik Ponjaert.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "The EU’s Fading ‘Moral Power’ in the Neighborhood" by Syuzanna Vasilyan

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Syuzanna Vasilyan.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "An invitation to dare " by Chiara Armeni

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Chiara Armeni.

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IEE 60, News

35 articles to celebrate the 60 years of the IEE

The IEE-ULB is proud to announce the publication of the ebook “L'IEE a 60 ans!” which brings together contributions from the February 27 conference and cartes blanches published throughout the spring of 2024.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "Protection des intérêts financiers de l’UE" by Chloé Brière

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Chloé Brière.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "Reformer l’UE : pourquoi, comment et surtout quand ? " by Ramona Coman

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Ramona Coman.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "L’Europe a besoin de vous" by Amy Weatherburn

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Amy Weatherburn.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "L’Europe sociale : insignifiante, dangereuse, ou en rattrapage ?" by Amandine Crespy

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Amandine Crespy.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "Will Social Europe finally happen?" by Bastian Kenn

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues an article by Bastian Kenn.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "A la recherche de l’Europe sociale oubliée" by Nicolas Verschueren

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with two articles by Nicolas Verschueren.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "La mutation de la politique des aides d’État" by Marianne Dony

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Marianne Dony.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "Quelle place encore pour la politique de la concurrence dans l’Union européenne aujourd’hui ?" by Jean-François Bellis

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Jean-François Bellis.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "Le lent avènement de l’Union budgétaire" by Paul Dermine

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Paul Dermine.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "What Can We Learn from Inflation to Futureproof Our Union?" by Anna Zech

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Anna Zech.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60

'60 years in 6000 characters' - The achievements and challenges of the European Single Market by Fabienne Ilzkovitz

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Fabienne Ilzkovitz.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "60 Years of Costa v. ENEL" by Giulia La Torre

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Giulia La Torre.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "EU’s spending power as an alternative instrument to foster EU integration" by Ilaria Gambardella

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Ilaria Gambardella.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "Integrating European values" by Pauline Thinus

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Pauline Thinus.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "Une Europe contée" by Maria Carmela Noviello

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Maria Carmela Noviello.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "Rethinking the role of expertise in the European Union" by Piotr Marczyński

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Piotr Marczyński.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "L'Europe et son Autre" by Martin Deleixhe

The weekly publication of "cartes blanches", scheduled until summer 2024 as part of IEE-ULB's sixtieth anniversary, continues with an article by Martin Deleixhe.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - a series of 'carte blanche' to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB

In 2024, the IEE-ULB turns 60! To celebrate this milestone, its members are invited to reflect on questions about European integration that have been with us since 1964 and that are still relevant in 2024. In a short, accessible format, our researchers draw a mosaic portrait of Europe, between change and continuity.

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