European documentation libraries

European documentation libraries

The European documentation centre at the IEE-ULB brings together, among others, official documents from the European institutions. Our students also have access to other repositories.

IEE-ULB provides students with access to a European documentation centre, numerous virtual and local resources, and open access computers.

ULBLEU: a virtual library specialised in European studies

ULBLEU brings together 5000 French and English titles covering all European subjects.

It includes publications by the IEE-ULB and individual publications by our affiliated academics and researchers.

As a multimedia tool, ULBLEU gathers documentaries, podcasts, videos, etc.

The IEE-ULB European Documentation Centre

The IEE-ULB European Documentation Centre is dedicated to books and journals that cover the areas of research and teaching of the Institute.

Part of the Europe Direct network, the library receives all EU publications and official documents so that they can be consulted online or on-site.

The European Documentation Centre is located in the Central Library of the Humanities (building NB) on the 4th floor, area 4.158.

Mrs. Véronique Kubben ( is available to assist students.

ULB libraries

IEE-ULB students have access to ULB libraries and its online resources.

Facilities available to students

The Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences provides computers for student use. They are located in the corridor linking the Janson building to the Faculty of Law (building H).

ULB also provides rooms for further study during the exam period.

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