European elections Archives - L'Institut d'études européennes

Tag: European elections

the European Elections
Cartes blanches, News

The European Elections : the Risk of "Muddling Through"

Mario Telo analyses the results of the European elections, highlighting the different challenges for the future of the EU and the impact of the Europhobes on the ballot.

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young voters
Conferences, Projects, Student life

Young Voters Took Over the Hemicycle

On May 9th, the Day of Europe, dozens of young people between the ages of 18 and 26 confronted candidates to the European elections.

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Conferences, News, Research, Student life

President of the Brussels parliament opens our debates on the EU elections

The Brussels Parliament, the ULB, and the VUB collaborate to create a space for open debate a few weeks before the upcoming EU elections.

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Discussing the future of Europe
Academic, Cartes blanches, Conferences

Discussing the future of Europe differently

Luis Bouza García, member of the OpenEUdebate Jean Monnet network, explains the important task of discussing the future of Europe in a new, different way.

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visions of europe
Academic, News, Projects, Research, Student life

Share your visions of Europe

Given the current state of the integration process and the challenges ahead, discussing the visions of our common future in Europe is more necessary than ever. We invite you to participate this March 20 on an Open EU Debate forum and share your views.

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