The Institut d’études européennes is happy to announce the launch of its podcast “Making sense of EU”, a seasonal production that seeks to shed light on EU affairs through the latest scientific research by IEE academics, researchers, and project partners.

Through “Making sense of EU” the IEE-ULB hopes to contribute the EU debate by bringing nuance and a scientific perspective to “hot” issues on the EU agenda linked to our research priorities. It will address the why and how of EU issues and highlights the IEE expertise, embodied by its professors and researchers.  

Strengthening the IEE community

The podcast is an opportunity to bridge the gap between IEE-ULB students, researchers, and academics form inside the IEE and the ULB communities and from our partner universities, while promoting a deeper understanding of key issues in EU affairs from a scientific perspective.

“Making sense of EU” has been conceived firstly for students and academics as the main audience and aims to also reach IEE partners (academic and non-academic), alumni, EU affairs specialists in the European institutions as well as public affairs specialists.

Kick-off and first season

The first season of “Making sense of EU” will be launched on September 29th, 2022 and will focus on the IEE’s Jean Monnet Center of Excellence EUqualis, devoted the important topic Inequality and the EU and it is cofunded by the Erasmus + programme of the European Union (101047382 —EUqualis — ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH).

The first episode hosts Amandine Crespy, professor in political science and scientific lead of our Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence EUqualis, and Chloé Brière, professor in European Law and Director of the Centre for European Law at the ULB.

Listen to our first episode here

“Making sense of EU” will be produced and presented by IEE-ULB Communication director Maria Isabel Soldevila, a journalist with over 20 years of experience whose work has focused on gender, migration, human rights, and politics. She holds a master’s degree in Journalism from Columbia University (2004) that she attended with a Fulbright grant. She was also a Knight-Wallace Fellow at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (2015). Soldevila Brea holds and Executive Master in European Union Studies from the IEE-ULB (2019)  and is has taken her fist steps in research at the IEE-ULB looking at the communication strategy of the European Commission.

The podcast is available on all major streaming platforms.