New visiting researcher

The IEE-ULB is delighted to welcome Mr. James McKendry. Mr. McKendry is a PhD student in Politics at the University of York.

He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Politics and a Master’s degree in European Politics from the University of Portsmouth as well as a Master’s degree in Social Research from the University of York.

His research at the IEE-ULB

The aim of Mr. McKendry’s PhD thesis entitled “Disaggregating European (dis)integration: a comparative analysis of the Eurozone and Schengen crises” is to examine the extent to which the European Union is experiencing disintegrative pressures in light of the two crises.

From 7 September to 7 December 2020, Mr. McKendry will conduct research under the supervision of Prof. Seda Gurkan on outcome divergence in Europen crisis resolution and the resulting implications for European integration theorising. In addition to desk research, Mr. McKendry plans to conduct interviews with EU policy-makers during his time at the IEE.

How to become a visiting researcher at the IEE-ULB

Each academic year, the IEE-ULB hosts a select group of visiting researchers who work around our 4 research themes.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications which must contain: an up-to-date CV, a research project highlighting the link to one or several of the IEE’s four research themes, the proposed research period, and the name of the IEE-affiliated professor who has agreed to act as the researcher’s supervisor.

Applications should be send to Prof. Ramona Coman, Michela Arcarese, and Dr. Jozefien Van Caeneghem.

Decisions on visiting research applications are taken by the Council of the IEE, which gathers five times per year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, the dates are:

  • in 2020: 25 August, 19 October
  • in 2021: 7 January, 16 March, 11 May


For any questions about a visiting research stay at the IEE, please contact the IEE’s Research Logistic Coordinator, Dr. Jozefien Van Caeneghem.