About the Summer School

Hosted in Brussels with the support of both the GEM-DIAMOND (project n°10107392) and the IEE-ULB’s EUqualis Centre of Excellence (project n°10104782), the 2024 GEM Summer School’s main goal is to move forward with the production of the scheduled GEM-DIAMOND Handbook tentatively entitled “Impact & Social Sciences: An A-to-Z of Key Concepts”. Overall the handbook is expected to include around 103 entries drafted with the help of some 164 contributors.

The primary goal is to see the first 19 fully drafted entries presented and discussed in person by at least one of the entries’ authors. Each entry will be presented by an early-stage researcher in one of the event’s 5 thematic panels:

(1a) Impact and Policy (Part 1) – 3 presentations
(1b) Impact and Policy (Part 2) – 3 presentations
(2) Impact and the Law – 4 presentations
(3) Self-Awareness and Impact – 5 presentations
(4) Impact and Modes of Research – 4 presentations

Comments collected during the summer school are aimed at improving the various entries through peer review and discussion. Comments can address both substantive (e.g. content, coherence, articulation with other entries) and formal (e.g. clarity, structure, writing) aspects of the submitted entries. To maximize discussion time, all presented entries will be circulated a week before the event with participants asked to read all draft entries in advance. The academic chairs and discussants will comment on each draft entry’s (i) stylistic and formal consistency, (ii) the relative fit with the handbook’s overall theme, (iii) feared-for overlaps and repetitions, as well as (iv) possible complementarities and cross-referencing.