Yvon Englert, Rector of the l’Université libre de Bruxelles
Pierre Gurdjian, President of the Administrative Council of the University
and the members of the Plenary Assembly

Have the honnor of inviting you to attend the Formal opening ceremony of the academic year, Friday, September 14th, 2018, at the hemicycle of the European Parliament and to the cocktail that will follow at 18h30.

The ceremony will be placed, as the rest of the academic year, under the theme “Europe of Knowledge”







From 15h30 : welcome of guests

At 17h : formal ceremony

  • Welcome words by Mr. Philippe Lamberts, MEP Ecolo
  • Speech by Pierre Gurdjian, President of the Administrative Council of the ULB
  • Video participation, members of the Plenary Assembly
    • Blaise Godefroid, representing the scientific body
    • Pascale Lathouwers, representing the PATGS
    • Tibor Van Cutsem and Chloé Van Raefelgem, representing the students
  • Internvention by Mr. Carlos Moedas, European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation
  • Speech by Yvon Englert, Rector of the Université libre de Bruxelles

From 18h30 :  Cocktail offered with the support of  the “Union des Anciens Etudiants.”

Importante Note :

Due to the exceptional location and its security measures, it is imperative that you register before September 7th, via an online form.