L’Europe aime-t-elle les religions?

In the context of the thematic year dedicated to “Europe of Knowledge”, the Université libre de Bruxelles organizes a debate that will address three questions:

  • Is Europe becoming increasingly secular or is this secularization under a sudden stop?
  • Are European instances taking into account the religious dimension of citizens and the interests of religious institutions in their policies?
  • Do Member States and the Union itself give religions a status and do they really ensure religious freedom?

To attend this conference-debate, register and come on Monday, November 5 to the ULB. This debate will bring together Valentine Zuber, directore of the école pratique des Hautes études (Paris), specialist in history of religious freedom in western Europe and secularism in France, and Rik Torfs, canonist, professor at KU Leuven. It will be moderated by Jean-Philippe Scheiber, ULb professor.

Entrance is free, but registration is mandatory on the website “débats de l’ULB”

See the full invitation here (in French)