The open lecture

Organised as part of the ULB thematic year dedicated to “Europe of Knowledge”, the Institut d’études européennes (IEE-ULB) and the Waseda University Brussels Office (WBO) jointly host a public conference on the EU and Japan as partners in Higher Education and Research.


Kazuo KURODA (Waseda University, GSAPS)

Ms. Themis CHRISTOPHIDOU (European Commission, Director-General – Directorate General Education, Youth, Sport and Culture )

H.E.Mr Mr Akira Kono (Ambassador, Deputy Head of Mission – Mission of Japan to the European Union) – Chair

Practical information

Registration is mandatory, using the form below

Date: March 11, 2019

Time: 18:00-19:30

Place: Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 42, 1050 | Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, R42.4.502


Over the coming years, cooperation between both strategic partners in the fields of research and education are expected to enter a new and more dynamic phase.

Possible advances in the field are notably outlined at the first EU-Japan policy dialogue in education, culture and sport that brought together Tibor Navracsics, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, and Yoshimasa Hayashi, Japan Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) on July 6th 2018.

The conclusions of this first policy dialogue were subsequently picked up by the Joint statement concluding the 2018 EU-Japan summit, which reaffirmed the launch of new joint calls for joint master programmes between European and Japanese Universities as well as reiterated the desire to see the number and breadth of joint calls for shared research projects to be increased over the coming years.

Accordingly, in the foreseeable future, alongside their Japanese equivalents, both the Erasmus+ and the HorizonEurope program are expected to offer opportunities for new and deeper collaboration between Tokyo and Brussels. These new opportunities inevitably come with a set of corollary challenges and questions which this public discussion hopes to offer an initial set of answers to.

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