RED-SPINEL Archives - L'Institut d'études européennes
Organized by IEE-ULB in collaboration with CEVIPOL and the Horizon Europe RED-SPINEL project
@IEE-ULB | Salle Spaak | 39 avenue Franklin Roosevelt | Campus Solbosch | ULB

The IEE-ULB will organise, in collaboration with CEVIPOL and the Horizon Europe RED-SPINEL project, a seminar regarding the Populist Agenda-Setting on the April 30th. To discuss this topic, we are pleased to welcome Professor Vivien A. Schmidt.

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Organized by IEE-ULB in collaboration with CEVIPOL and the Horizon Europe RED-SPINEL project
@IEE-ULB | Salle Spaak | 39 avenue Franklin Roosevelt | Campus Solbosch | ULB

The IEE-ULB will organise, in collaboration with CEVIPOL and the Horizon Europe RED-SPINEL project, a seminar regarding the Populist Agenda-Setting on the April 30th. To discuss this topic, we are pleased to welcome Professor Vivien A. Schmidt.

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