Le plan de relance ‘Next Generation EU’ de l’Union eurarding topéenne – analyse constitutionnelle d’une initiative historique

Paul Dermine, Professor at the Center for European Law, has recently published its latest book Le plan de relance ‘Next Generation EU’ de l’Union européenne – analyse constitutionnelle d’une initiative historique (Larcier, 2023). On that occasion, the Center of European Law and the Institut d’études européennes will be organising an academic seminar around the book. Paulwill be presenting his main findings and conclusions, and will initiate a discussion on the political, legal and constitutional repercussions of the recovery plan, and the future of economic and budgetary integration in Europe. He will be joined by three recognised experts of European economic governance and the institutional law of the EU.

Regarding the speakers

Alberto de Gregorio Merino is currently Director at the European Commission. Between 2015 and 2023, he was Director at the Legal Service of the Council of the European Union, in charge of economic, financial and budgetary matters. In this capacity, he was closely involved in the legal design of the recovery plan, and the adoption of the various relevant legal texts.

Sacha Garben is professor of European Union law at the College of Europe (Bruges). She is also an official (on leave) at the European Commission. Her research focuses primarily on the institutional law of the EU, and European economic and social law.

Francesco Martucci is professor of Public Law at the Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas, where he is responsible of the Master in European law. Specialized in EU law and economic law, he is an authority on the Law of the Economic and Monetary Union and Eurozone governance.

The debate will be moderated by Chloé Brière, Professor of EU Law and Director of the Institut d’études européennes at the Univerisité Libre de Bruxelles (IEE-ULB).

Practical Info

Date : 14 décembre 2023

Heure : 14h00-15h30

Lieu: Institut d’études européennes (salle Spaak)
